The X-Drop Backdrop System was recently featured on Lighting Rumours. Bruce Foster, photographer out of the UK, reviewed the X-Drop with the Green Screen backdrop.
If I had to sum up the X-Drop, I would call it the iPhone 5 of the background world. – Bruce Foster
What we love about this review is the honesty and real-world applications Bruce discusses. He understands this is not a solution to all photographic need, but it is for individuals, couples, toddlers and pre-school photography portraits. He also mentions how the Green Screen X-Drop is an absolute dream for corporate staff headshots and ID photos.
Many individuals who may shoot with Green Screen can understand the frustrations of a possible reflective green surface making it difficult to key out. With the Westcott Green Screen fabric, it is a non-reflective surface.
There was a big crease in the background from where it was packed at the factory. The crease keyed-out first go with our software on automatic. BRILLIANT! – Bruce Foster
Want more info?
If you would like to read the complete article you can visit the Lighting Rumours website or you can visit Bruce Foster Photography.
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