Sports and senior photography Matt Hernandez has a knack for creating dramatic and eye-catching sports photography. For this senior sports shoot, Matt decided to use a few simple tricks to transform the boring locker room setting.

Fill Light Placement
Matt begins with a simple two-light setup: a strobe as a fill light and a strobe as his key light. To add color to the scene, he adds a blue gel to his fill light, which is placed behind his subject just off camera.

Key Light Placement
Matt modifies his key light with the Collapsible Beauty Dish. This modifier expands and softens the light while projecting it evenly. To maintain soft shadows, Matt places this key light in front of his subject just off camera to feather light onto her.

Without Haze
While the blue fill light helps to separate the subject from the background, Matt wants to add even more color and drama to the image. He brings in a haze machine off camera. The haze helps add texture to the images while making the blue fill light much more visible.

With Haze
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