Westcott Top Pro and boudoir photographer Jen Rozenbaum discusses various techniques in creating a comfortable and beautiful boudoir photo shoot in this video tutorial. As a photographer, being able to successfully communicate with your models is necessary in achieving natural-looking images, especially when shooting intimate portraits. As Jen states, “communication is key”. When posing a model, it is very important to be extremely specific on how you would like them to move. Attempt to view positioning from the model’s perspective and be sure to give clear directions. Avoid placing your models in uncomfortable poses and attempt to involve movement throughout the shoot. Speak frequently and tell your subject when something looks great. This will boost their confidence and put them at-ease throughout the shoot. Jen also suggests checking your images frequently to ensure that you are not missing any minor details on-camera.
Jen Rozenbaum runs New York’s premier boudoir photography studio, Jenerations. Her clients are her biggest supporters, having gone through what they describe as ‘a life changing experience’ after seeing the results of their boudoir sessions. “They feel stronger, they feel sexy and most importantly, they had fun!” says Rozenbaum. Empowering women with a renewed sense of femininity and fearlessness is the inspiration and motivation behind Jenerations. Her artistic background lends an almost sixth sense when it comes to the aesthetics of boudoir photography, which is just half the reason for her extraordinary success and attention from organizations such as AOL, Good Morning America, and Entrepreneur Magazine.
Featured in this video tutorial is the Westcott Ice Light. The Ice Light is a portable daylight light-source that can be placed on a light stand (as shown in this video) or be handheld. This light features a dimmable 1,160 lumen LED light source that is rated for 50,000 plus hours of use. The LED array combined with the diffused front face offers an extremely soft and evenly wrap-around light source. This eliminates the need for additional light modifying tools.
Westcott Lighting Gear in Action

Ice Light LED5500
Tilter Bracket with Brass Spigot6014

Ice Light LED5500

Tilter Bracket with Brass Spigot6014

Tilter Bracket with Brass Spigot6014
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