We want your opinion.

We truly value our customers’ opinions on our products. We know, as the industry continues to change at such a fast pace, the ways our products are used may change as well. Hearing your ideas and suggestions helps us to truly make better products as well as new creations. We also feel it’s helpful to the community to hear product reviews from real people so that shoppers can make the best buying decision for their needs. Therefore, we dedicate these Real Deal Reviews to our customers, and hope you all find them useful.

Who can create customer reviews?

Anyone over the age of 18 who has applied online for a chance to be selected as a Real Deal Reviewer is eligible to participate. Reviews are only be accepted in video format, therefore you must have access to a device that can record video.

Tips for recording a great review:

  • Slow down: Try to gather your thoughts before recording the review and try not to talk too fast so the viewer can fully understand what you are saying.
  • Include the “why”: The best reviews include not only whether you liked or disliked a product, but also why.
  • Be specific: Your review should focus on specific features of the product and your experience with it.
  • Not too short, not too long: Video reviews have a 10-­minute limit, but we recommend 3 to 6 minutes to keep your audience engaged.
  • Be sincere: We welcome your honest opinion about the product—positive or negative.

What can’t I do?

A listing or prohibited items is listed on the Product Review Terms & Conditions.

Timeline Guidelines.

Completed reviews must be submitted within 10 days of receiving the product.

Video Review Format

  • Maximum file size: 100MB.
  • Maximum length: 10 minutes
  • Accepted formats: avi, flv, mov, mpg, wmv