Westcott Top Pro Elite George Deloache discusses his lighting set up behind this Prince-inspired photo shoot with the Strobelite Plus:
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to acquire a new studio space in a creative building located in the burgeoning Downtown Los Angeles Art District. The area is vibrant with creativity and I was excited about immersing myself in the community and drawing from the collective well of inspiration. One of the very cool things about the building where the studio is locates is that there are many parts of the building that provide super areas to shoot. When I saw this concrete stairwell, a concept was birthed. Shawn, my makeup artist, agreed to pose for this one as we went for a shot that had a Prince “Purple Rain” feel. The lighting was accomplished by mounting a Strobelite Plus to a 22” Mola beauty dish with grid as the sole light source. It is set on an Avenger C stand to camera right and at the same level of the model, six feet away and about two feet higher than the models head. The camera location is one flight of stairs below shooting up and into the corner of the stair well. Finally the post-production effect is accomplished with the use of Gradient Maps in Photoshop CS6.
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