Erik Valind, Professional Photographer and Westcott Top Pro, talks about his favorite product—the Westcott Scrim Jim. He walks you through how he uses each of the Scrim Jim panels to diffuse light and alter light in his shoots. The Scrim Jim allows photographers to use diffusion panels, reflectors, black blocks and even black netting to diffuse and alter light.  He considers the Scrim Jim the most versatile piece of gear he takes on-location for all shoots.

The Large Scrim Jim Kit is a useful photography tool that allows photographers to diffuse light, reflect light, cut down light, or completely block light.  With the variety of available fabrics, the Scrim Jim is one of the most diverse tools available for the photography industry.  In this video, Erik uses the Scrim Jim in a variety of ways to diffuse light and alter the light.

Westcott Lighting Gear in Action