When photographing children outside, it is often hard balancing daylight midday. Children are constantly on-the-go, making it hard to place typical modifiers and light stands in a single place. To fill in shadows quickly and easily, an on-camera flash and softbox is usually the best option.
Using a flash will work to fill in the shadows on your subject’s faces created by any harsh daylight. The modifier, or softbox, will soften and maximize your flash’s output, creating a natural appearance while eliminating potential red-eye.
Erin Manning teamed with Westcott Lighting to develop the Pocket Box on and off-camera speedlite modifier for on-the-go portrait photographers. The Pocket Box is compact and durable, featuring flexible framework and a highly-reflective silver interior. These modifiers are available separately or in the cost-effective Erin Manning Pocket Box Kit. This kit includes 3 Pocket Box modifiers as well as an educational DVD hosted by Erin.
Lighting Gear in Action

Pocket Box Speedlight Softbox Kit268

Pocket Box Speedlight Softbox Kit268
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