Outdoor Portrait shoot by photographer Erik Valind using a Westcott Large Scrim Jim.
The Large Scrim Jim Kit is a useful photography tool that allows photographers to diffuse light, reflect light, cut down light, or completely block light. With the variety of available fabrics, the Scrim Jim is one of the most diverse tools in the photography industry. In this setup. Erik uses the Scrim Jim to diffuse the light situation and give his model very soft lighting.

Photo Details and Specs
- Aperture: F5
- Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec
- ISO: 200
- Focal Length: 200 mm
- Date/Time: September 16, 2010 7:08pm
- Copyright Notice ©2010, Erik Valind
Westcott Lighting Gear in Action

Original Scrim Jim Large 1-1/4-Stop Diffusion Fabric (71" x 71")1865

Original Scrim Jim Large 1-1/4-Stop Diffusion Fabric (71" x 71")1865
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