Westcott Top Pro Matt Hernandez began his career as an award-winning graphic artist, then combined his love of photography with his design background and love of sports to become one of the country’s premier sports photographers.
Here, Matt offers insightful posing tips for capturing professional and eye-catching team portraits.
The most common mistake photographers make when photographing a team is shooting at the wrong angle. Shooting at eye-level, as demonstrated in the image below, often leaves the impression of the viewer being dominant.
This may be okay in most portrait cases, however sports teams often want to appear tough or assertive. By lowering your angle or point-of-view, you can give the impression that the team is dominant.
More obvious techniques can improve a team’s appearance in portraits as well. Changing smiles to more confident and serious facial expressions is a very simple way to add drama to a team portrait.
To add even more dimension to your portraits, refrain from posing your subjects in a straight line. By altering poses, positions, and props, your team shots will appear more compelling and professional.
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