For over 20 years Jem has produced projects for an ever expanding client base. Current and past clients include AbelCine, Apple, Inc., ARRI, Canon, Corus Entertainment, MAC Group, NBCUniversal, NPR, Riverbed Technologies, Scottish Enterprise, Sony, TED, The Vitec Group, Walmart Films, Westcott, YouTube & Zeiss.>
Jem is also an equipment design consultant to many manufacturers in the film and television industry. Most recently he designed theC47 DP Kit & theC47 Book Light Kit (geared towards corporate, in-house and small to no crew productions), which is based on Westcott’s Scrim Jim Cine system.
His in-depth lighting courses, “Cinematic Video Lighting” and “Advanced Cinematic Video Lighting” are currently available on Lynda.com
For more information about Jem & his whereabouts visit www.theC47.com or visit his YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/thec47