Watch how Westcott Top Pro Elite Photographer Dave Cross creates fun photo booth portraits at a wedding using Westcott Green Screen and PhotoKey Pro Software. Dave Cross uses the Westcott Ice Light to light the background and the subjects during the shoot.
Dave begins this video on photo booth wedding portraits with general tips on shooting with green screen. Some of these tips include proper lighting setup and the use of hot folders within PhotoKey. Hethen moves on to processing the images in the PhotoKey software. He shows how quickly and easily you can obtain great looking photo booth images. The PhotoKey software makes green screen quick and efficient.
Anything is possible with the power of green screen. Photographers can place their subject on nearly any background imaginable in just seconds using PhotoKey Software. Along with Wedding Photo booths, Green Screen is very useful with for senior portraits, sports photos, children’s photos, holiday cards, and more!
Westcott Lighting Gear in Action

Ice Light LED5500

Ice Light LED5500
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