The Handmade Movement, a Montana-based film and photography collective, recently introduced “The Makers” online film series dedicated to the celebration of craftsmanship in the modern world.

This series of short films features takes a cinematic approach to personal storytelling of different craftsman. The majority of the trailer, shown above, was shot on Red Epic with Canon L Series lenses. For the slow motion shots, the Handmade Movement cinematographers used the Phantom Miro LC320.

When shooting slow-motion and high frame rates, it is extremely important to utilize flicker-free continuous light sources. It is also key to utilize lighting that is virtually silent when shooting video, especially interviews where sound is extremely focused.

While filming an interview with maker Thomas at Bozeman Spirits Distillery, the Handmade Movement team used a Skylux modified by a Rapid Box XL as a main light. As a fill light, the team utilized an Ice Light 2 Daylight LED. Both of these lights are daylight-balanced LEDs and feature flicker-free output with high CRIs.

To watch all 4 episodes of the Handmade Movement, please visit their website or their Vimeo page.

The Handmade Movement 2

The Handmade Movement 3

The Handmade Movement 5

The Handmade Movement 6


Lighting Gear in Action