Sal Cincotta is a noted industry writer, author, educator, and publisher of Shutter Magazine, which industry pros turn to for cutting-edge technical and business insights from leading photographers.

Watch Part 2 below.

You can watch Sal’s review of the Rapid Box Switch here.

The lens you choose will greatly impact your final image.

For this conceptual photo shoot, photographer Sal Cincotta wanted to take advantage of his incredible location to capture images with different looks.

Instead of altering wardrobe or lighting setups, Sal stuck with a simple one-light setup and utilized multiple lenses to create a variety of stylized images. For his setup, Sal utilized portable off-camera flashes modified by a single Rapid Box Switch Octa-M. Thanks to the Rapid Box Switch’s interchangeable light inserts, Sal is able to swap out speedlites with studio strobes whenever he needs more output.

He begins shooting with a 70-200mm lens to gain compression and “crush” the background. This makes all of the trees in the background feel close to the subject.

Sal Cincotta - Portrait 1

ISO 320 • f2.8 • 1/100
70-200mm lens at 120mm

He then switches to a prime 50mm lens. Here, he start experimenting with his focal ratio to begin exaggerating her features and accentuating the background.

Sal Cincotta - Portrait 2

ISO 50 • f1.2 • 1/160

Finally, Sal switches to a super wide angle lens to further dramatize the environment and his subject. His 11-24mm lens allow him to capture more of the background. He then experiments with bringing his subject closer and further away from his camera.

Sal Cincotta - Portrait 5

ISO 200 • f4 • 1/160
11-24mm at 11mm

Sal Cincotta - Portrait 6

ISO 200 • f4 • 1/160
11-24mm at 11mm

Lighting Gear in Action