Emily Soto is an internationally renowned fashion photographer based in New York City, New York. Emily’s style focuses on romanticism and high-fashion, with dreamy lighting that she creates with a simple Rapid Box XL setup.

Emily Soto - NYC Polaroid

Her distinct vision and creativity have landed her work on the covers of magazines and in editorial spreads world-wide. Emily’s creative flow is often apparent in during her fashion photography workshops, as seen in this video.

Emily shoots her stunning models with both digital and instant film formats, creating stunning fine art-esque portraits. For a faded appearance, she experiments with wrapping tulle around her camera lens.

Throughout this workshop, Emily is utilizing a Skylux LED monolight and Rapid Box XL to illuminate her subjects. The Rapid Box XL acts as the essential modifier for the Skylux thanks to is lightweight build, durable framework, and reflective interior.

Emily places this single-light Rapid Box XL setup centered above her subjects, angled down toward them. She mixes this lighting with the window light available in the studio. This creates soft, dreamy lighting that looks natural.
Emily Soto - NYC BTS 4

Emily Soto - NYC Final 2Emily Soto - NYC Final 3Emily Soto - NYC Final 4
Emily Soto - NYC BTS 2

Emily Soto - NYC Final 1

Emily Soto - NYC BTS 5

Lighting Gear in Action: