The Ice Light, by Westcott, is a new little lighting tool that resembles a light saber in a big way. This makes it a blast to use right out of the gates. It was designed for being mobile and easy to use in event photography situations or under low light conditions. It can also make an image sing, when applied correctly during the day.
Although not nearly as bright and powerful as a studio strobe, the Ice Light produces a soft swath of light without the need for additional modifiers or bulky light stands. Its form factor allows you to work it in close to your models face as well. This struck me a perfect fill light to apply in a pinch. Here’s an example of an image shot in the park on an overcast day.

Photo by: Erik Valind
Camera Settings: ISO 400 – 1/400 sec – f/2.8
The diffused natural light created by the clouds is great for shooting portraits, but the images was missing a certain spark. In this second photograph I had an assistant handhold an Ice Light above my models head, and just outside of the photos frame. Just that – a little bit of fill and the extra catch-light in her eye, gave this photo the spark I was looking for. Another great thing about it was I didn’t need to bother setting up a light stand or fishing in my gear bag for a wireless trigger and cable. Being that it is a constant light source, I only need to turn it on to start shooting. Quick and easy, with the punch I was looking for!

Photo by: Erik Valind
Here’s a pull back of the photograph so you can see where the Ice Light was placed in relation to our model.

Photo by: Erik Valind using the Ice Light
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